and Afro-Religions Links
Haitian Vodoun
The Vodou Page
of Bon Mambo Racine Sans Bout Sa Te La Daginen, A
well designed site, with everything one can look for: lessons,
stunning photos,info, links etc. |
Vodoun Culture The Vodou Webring
(in English and French) |
Baba Falade's
Afro-Caribbean Spirituality, ifa, orisha, babalawo, palo, mayombe,
voodoo, voudon
Afro-Caribbean Music |
The Vodun (Voodoo) Religion 'Vodun (a.k.a.
Vodoun, Voudou, Voodoo,Sevi Lwa) is commonly called Voodoo by the
public. The name is traceable to an African word for "spirit"'. |
The Mysteries of
"Voodoo first records may date back to
Nigeria and Dahomey, an early African faith based on the cult of the
serpent, setting out to protect man from the perils of daily life:
wild animals, rival enemies, and preserving on the other hand a
healthy body and soul. During the time of slavery the magic was
transported from Africa to the Americas. It is an instinctive magic,
relating man to the essentials. The fundamental of Voodoo is the
manifestation of the spirit world through the channel of a human
being." |
Greetings in the name of God/Goddess, the
ancestors, and all the lwa! Welcome to the Vodou tradition. I am
Mambo Racine Sans Bout, Mambo asogwe of the Vodou. |
Umbanda and Candomble (Brazil, Uruguay)
Ilé Axé Opô Afonjá - African Religion
Now a new limit, new configuration installs itself.
At this end of the century, with the deterioration of the
traditional religious institutions, with the appearance of new
religions, with the alternative esoteric doctrines, Candomblé,
now taken as religion, is also seen as an efficient agency: it
solves problems, cures deseases, calms the head. |
History of the Umbanda Movement in Brazil
The Umbanda Movement is a philo-religious movement
emergered towards the end of 19th century, in Brazil, when the
spiritual entities, members of Brotherhood of Ancestral Spirits
began to manifest through mediums in rituals of cults practised by
Africans and Indians, combined with elements of Catholicism
introduced by White People. In fact, the emergence of the Umbanda
Movement was the result of karmic needs that gather, on Brazilian
grounds, representatives of the white, yellow, black races and
reminisce nts of the red. |
Esoteric Umbanda The AUMBHANDAN, through
the Iniciatic Order Of the Divine Cross, with Master Arapiaga as its
intermediate, stands for racial and religious unity. It promotes and
teaches the tolerance to all cults and creeds because it believes in
the common principle that animates all of them. |
Centro de Investigación de Religiones Africanas en Améric
A Beautifully designed Umbamda site |
Iemanja 1999
Cuban Santeria, Lucumi
Santeria, La Regla Lucumi, Lucumi and Macumba |
Yoruba Lukumi Home Page In Spanish |
Organization for Lukumi Unity
1) Participate in our discussion forums, enjoy essays by experienced
priests and devotees 2) Ask questions and write about your own
experiences with Ifa and Orisha practice 3) Browse through resources
directories to find books, products and services. 4) Advertise your
own products and services to our community. 5) Learn about
Afro-Cuban heritage and religious traditions. 6) Place personal
adds, find friends and godparents. 7) and much more..... |
Yo Soy Hechicero
Video film and comments of Santeria ceremony |
La Religion de los Yoruba - La Santería |
Yemoja's Page My name is Omi Saide, I am a
priestess of Yemoja in the Afro-cuban tradition of Orisha Worship. I
dedicate this page to the most magnificent mother, the mother of the
World, my mother Yemoja! |
Grupo AFROCUBA de Matanzas "Grupo
AFROCUBA is a legendary folkloric group from
Cuba. They are known as the originators of "Bata Rumba,"
and famed for their mastery of the full spectrum of
Afro-Cuban folkloric music and dance." |
La Santeria - a collection of gathered materials
A collection of matgerial on Santgeria. I grew up
around people who practiced Santeria in a very natural and authenic
way. It was a normal part of my surroundings. However being a Native
of NYC I often found myself foolishly turning my back on my roots. |
New Orleans Voodoo and Hoodoo
Palo, Congo, & Bantu Faiths
Inquiceweb (Palo Mayombe) "This web site
has been designed to serve as a point on the Web for those
interested in various Kongo derived faiths..." |
Palo and Lukumi Organizationt""
The purpose of this site is to provide general and introductory
information of the Afro-Cuban Palo and Lukumi belief systems.
Palo.Org servers as a major resource of information for individuals,
students and teachers world wide." |
IFA: The Voice of ORISA "Greetings, may the
Olódùmarè grant us the guides to be successful in our search to find
truth in this world. May all of the Omo Odùdùwàs'come together and
make this a better place, especially for the children. Grant us the
knowledge, understanding and wisdom to apply the teachings of the
Ancestors." |
IFA Foundation
The Ifa Foundation of North America, for more than 30
years, has pioneered introducing Ancient African Wisdom to the
Western World. Introducing it in the context of how it was
created...not as a fearful African imitation of the worst of
Christianity, but as a proud, thoughtful philosophy that empowers
its adherents. |
Sabiduria de IFA |
Baba Falade's Afro-Caribbean Spirituality Ifa
Teaches The World is a marketplace Ikole
Orun is our permanent home, Cast divination for Olodumare the
perfect organizer of the world If you come to the world and forget
Ikole Orun Note that the world is just a marketplace Whereas Ikole
Orun is our permanent home. |
Thanks to visit Ile Tuntun. This page this created for the new
initiates in Ifá and followers of the Yorùbá religion. In this page
you will be able to obtain to information updated every 30 days on
Ifá and the Òrìþà.
Ile Ijuba Yoruba, Miami, Inc. "We
love our culture and traditions and strive to understand and
place our ancient culture into the context of the modern global
community. We wish to contribute to our world as equal brothers
and sisters of African origin." |
Yoruba Religion "The religion of the Yoruba
people in West Africa, who live in Nigeria and Benin, is a
thousands of years-old tradition of nature worship and ancestor
reverance. In addition to the worship of one God, named Olodumare,
the Yoruba worship dozens of deities known as "Orishas" who are
personified aspects of nature and spirit. The principal orishas
include Eleggua, Oggun, Ochosi, Obatala, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango, Oya,
Babalu Aiye, and Orula." |
Yoruba Art in wood and metal
The term Yoruba describes a number of
semi-independent peoples loosely linked by geography, language,
history, and religion. The Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria (see blue
area of map) and neighboring Benin and Togo number over 15 million
people. Most live within the borders of the tropical forest belt,
but the remnants of the powerful Oyo kingdom include groups that
live at the fringes of the northern savanna grasslands. |
Yoruba People Information and Links |
African Origins, North American Centers, etc.
Afrikan Religious Images |
The Orishas in music
- The Orishas are divine beings originally
worshipped by the Yoruba people of West Africa. Their worship was
carried to the New World in the holds of slave ships, and became
well established in many countries of the western hemisphere.
Combining and recombining with various Native American, Roman
Catholic, European Spiritualist, and other African traditions, the
Orishas remain worshipped today in the religions of Santeria in Cuba
and the United States, Candomble and Umbanda in Brazil, and Shango
in Trinidad. |
Ilè Asé Yemojá Orukóré Ògún
in Portugese |
Natalia Bolivar Home Page
in Spanish |
Kimbisa home Page
The Kimbisa Order is a ancestral Bakongo community of
spirits grouped through initiation and enlightment to share power,
protection and wisdom to reach their highest potential as matter in
transit on the Earth. |