The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

Flying Roll No. XXIX 

On Lieutenants

by G.H. Fra. D.D.C.F.

On their attainment of the Grade of Theoricus Adeptus Minor I appoint the four following members of the Second Order, viz. V.H. Fra. Levavi Oculos [P.W. Bullock], V.H. Soror Sapientia Sapienti Dono Data [Florence Farr], V.H. Fra. Resurgam [Dr. Berridge], V.H. Soror Fortiter et Recte [Annie Horniman], to assist the G.H. Frater Non Omnis Moriar [Dr. W.W. Westcott], Chief Adept in Charge in Britannia Magna cum Hibernia et Coloniis suis, in ruling and management of the Second Order, as his immediate Lieutenants and under his immediate orders.

And upon these Four, as a badge of their office I have conferred the symbols of HORUS, ISIS, AROUERIS and NEPHTHYS as a distinctive mark of the authority of each, a higher ranking superior to all other members of the Second Order until further notice; and to show to which particular one of them appeal is to be made by other members in case of difficulty.

And the decisions of these Four are to be subject to the approval and ratification of the G.H. Fra. Non Omnis Moriar.

To the V.H. Fra. LO. I have given the symbol of HORUS, showing that appeal is to be made in all grave matters coming under the dominion of Horus. . . such as Disagreement. All things pertaining to wrath, misunderstanding and irritation between members. Enforcement of the authority of the Chief of the Order. All frankly suggested plans requiring energy in their carrying out. Also the administration of advice to inferior members of the Second Order on all matters requiring decisive action.

To V.H. Soror S.S.D.D. I have given the symbol of HICE, ISIS, showing that unto her appeal is to be made in all grave matters coming under the dominion of Isis. . . such as the maintenance of peace and harmony between members. Instruction in doubtful application of occult correspondences. Decision in cases of vacillation and doubting of mind of inferior members, and decisions in matters affecting the harmony existing between different methods of occult working.

To V.H. Fra. Resurgam I have given the symbol of AROUERIS, showing that unto him appeal is to be made in all grave matters coming under the Dominion of Aroueris. . . such as all cases of doubt and difficulty in the application of rules for divination. Matters requiring subtlety and tact, and all decisions regarding the formulation of ideas.

To V.H. Soror F. et R. I have given the symbol of NEPHTHYS, showing that unto her appeal is to be made in all grave matters coming under the dominion of Nephthys. . . such as all cases of difficulty in the application of given rules to material correspondences. Difficulties in the ordering of studies of inferior members. All questions regarding difficulty in the selection of Forces to work, under or with, for a fixed end. All cases of doubt or difficulty requiring a right application of rules already given.

These four members aforesaid to be coequal in authority under the super-intendence of the 'Chief Adept in Charge' and in all matters of difficulty their decisions being submitted to him for ratification. And if (which is not frequently probable) a case shall fall under more than one of their heads, it is to be submitted equally to the judgement of those two or more Theorici Adepti aforesaid under whose office it is classed. And I trust that members of inferior rank will not abuse the faculty of appeal herein accorded, by constantly harassing the members aforesaid concerning trivial and unimportant subjects.

Deo Duce, Comite Ferro 7°=4°

