Second Knowledge Lecture:

(Zelator Degree)


( Stuck - "Water and Fire")



The Names and Alchemical Symbols of the Three Principles of Nature are:





The metals attributed to the Planets in Alchemy are:





COPPER OR BRASS           






The following terms are used in books about Alchemy. They have the meanings given below.

Sol Philosophorum

     The Pure Living Alchemical Spirit of Gold--the refined essence of heat and fire


Luna Philosophorum

     The Pure Living Alchemical Spirit of Silver--the refined essence of heat and moisture


The Green Lion

     The Stem and Root of the Radical Essence of Metals


The Black Dragon



The King

     Red--The Qabalistic Microprosopus

     Tiphareth-- analagous to Gold and the Sun


The Queen

     White--The Qabalistic Bride of Microprosopus

     Malkah--analagous to Silver and the Moon

The Four Orders of the Elements are:

1. The Spirits of the Earth:              Gnomes

2. The Spirits of the Air:                  Sylphs

3. The Spirits of the Water:             Undines

4. The Spirits of the Fire:                Salamanders

These are the Essential Spiritual Beings called upon to praise God in the 'Benedicite Omnia Opera'.

The Kerubim are the Living Powers of Tetragrammaton on the Material Plane and the Presidents of the Four Elements. They operate through the Fixed or Kerubic Signs of the Zodiac and are thus symbolized and attributed:

Kerub of Air----------Man--------Aquarius

Kerub of Fire---------Lion---------Leo        

Kerub of Earth--------Bull----------Taurus  

Kerub of Water-------Eagle---------Scorpio


Tetragrammaton means 'Four-Lettered Name' and refers to the Unpronounceable Name of God symbolized by 'Jehovah'.

The Laver of Water of Purification refers to the waters of Binah, the Female Power reflected in the Waters of Creation.

The Altar of Burnt Offering for the sacrifice of animals symbolizes the Qlippoth, or Evil Demons of the plane coniguous to and below the Material Universe. It points out that our passions should be sacrificed.

The Qlippoth are the Evil Demons of Matter and the Shells of the Dead.

The Altar of Incense in the Tabernacle was overlaid with gold. Ours is Black to symbolize our work which is to seperate the philosophic Gold from the Black Dragon of Matter.

This altar diagram shows the Ten Sephiroth with all the connecting Paths numbered and lettered, and the Serpent winding over each Path. Around each Sephira are written the names of the Deity, Archangel and Angelic Host attributed to it. The Twenty-Two Paths are bound together by the Serpent of Wisdom. It unites the Paths but does not touch any of the Sephiroth, which are linked by the Flaming Sword.


The Flaming Sword is formed by the Natural Order of the Tree of Life. It resembles a Flash of Lightning.


Together the Sephiroth and the Twenty-Two Paths form the 32 Paths of the Sefer Yetzirah, or Book of Formation.


The Two Pillars on either side of the Altar represent:


Active: The White Pillar on the South Side. Male. Adam. Pillar of Light and Fire. Right Kerub. Metatron.


Passive: The Black Pillar on the North Side. Female. Eve. Pillar of Cloud. Left Kerub. Sandalphon.





LET THE ZELATOR meditate on a straight line. Let him take a ruler or pencil and by moving it a distance equal to its length, outline a square.

Having done this, let him, after quieting his mind with the rhythmic breathing taught in the first meditation, mentally formulate a cube, and endeavour to discover the significance of this figure and its correspondences.

Let him meditate upon minerals and crystals, choosing especially a crystal of SALT, and entering into it, actually feel himself of crystalline formation.

Looking out on the Universe from this standpoint, let him identify himself with the EARTH SPIRITS in love and sympathy, recalling as far as he can their prayer as said in the closing of the Zelator Grade.

Let him meditate upon the EARTH TRIPLICITY, visualizing the symbols of a BULL--a VIRGIN--a GOAT which stand for KERUBIC EARTH--MUTABLE EARTH--CARDINAL EARTH.

For the above ideas consult a simple astrology manual. Make notes of the ideas and pictures which arise in your mind.

The Four Worlds of the Qabalah are:


1.    ATZILUTH Archetypal Pure Diety   
2.    BRIAH   Creative Archangelic  
3.    YETZIRAH  Formative Angelic  
4.    ASSIAH Action Action, Man, Shells, Demons




The Ten Houses, or Heavens, of Assiah, the Material World, are:



1. Premium Mobile  Rashith ha-Gilgalim  
2. Sphere of the Zodiac Mazloth  
3. Sphere of Saturn Shabbathai
4. Sphere of Jupiter Tzedeq
5. Sphere of Mars  Madim  
6. Sphere of Sol  Shemesh
7. Sphere of Venus  Nogah
8. Sphere of Mercury Kokab  
9. Sphere of Luna  Levanah
10. Sphere of the Elements Olam Yesodoth  





Choir of Angels (Yetzirah)

(The definitions of the Hebrew Names can only be approximate and were not given in the actual GD texts. For the most part the tables of Bill Heidrick was consulted among others) 


1. Kether  Chayoth ha-Qadesh   The Holy Living Creatures  
2. Chokmah  Auphanim     The Wheels / Spinning Ones
3. Binah Aralim  The Might Ones / Thrones 
4. Chesed Chashmalim  The Shining Ones
5. Geburah  Seraphim The Burning Ones / Exalted Ones
6. Tipharet  Melekim  Kings
7. Netzach   Elohim Deities
8. Hod  Beni Elohim Sons of the Gods   
9. Yesod   Kerubim Cherubs
10. Malkuth Ashim Fiery Spirits



Archangelic Name (Briah)



1. Kether  Metatron "Beyond the Thrones"
2. Chokmah  Raziel  Secret of God
3. Binah Tzaphqiel   Hidden Voice of God
4. Chesed Tzadqiel Righteousness of God
5. Geburah  Kamael Longing of God  
6. Tipharet  Raphael Healing of God
7. Netzach   Haniel Ship of God 
8. Hod  Michael Like God   
9. Yesod   Gabriel Might One of God
10. Malkuth Sandalphon Soul of the Redeemer




Divine Name (Atziluluth)


1. Kether  Eheieh    I am
2. Chokmah  Yah S/he is
3. Binah Yhvh Elohim  S/he is Male and Female Deities
4. Chesed El  He is Mighty 
5. Geburah  Elohim Gibor  The Male and Female Deities are Mighty  
6. Tipharet  Yhvh Eloah ve-Daath  God (male) + Knowledge 
7. Netzach   Yhvh Tzabaoth  God is Splendor
8. Hod  Elohim Tzabaoth The Male and Female Deities are Splendor  
9. Yesod   Shaddai El Chai Almighty God Lives Forever!   
10. Malkuth Adonai ha-Aretz Lord of the Earth





Symbol Hebrew Name of Planet Angel Intelligence Spirit


Shabbathai Cassiel Agiel Zazel  

Tzedek Sachiel Iophiel   Hismael  

Madim Zamael Graphiel   Bartzabel   

Shemesh Michael Nakhiel   Sorath  

Nogah Hanael Hagiel   Kedemel  

Kokab Raphael Tiriel   Taphthartharath


Levanah Gabriel Malkah be Tarshisim ve-ad Ruachoth Schechalim



Schad Barschemoth ha-Shartathan




The traditional Tarot consists of a pack of 78 cards made up of Four Suits of 14 cards each, together with 22 Trumps, or Major Arcana, which tell the story of the Soul.

Each suit consists of ten numbered cards, as in the modern playing cards, but there are four instead of three honours: King or Knight, Queen, Prince or Emperor, Princess or Knave.

the Four Suits are:

1. Wands or Sceptres comparable to Diamonds   ¨
2. Cups of Chalices comparable to Hearts  ©
3. Swords comparable to Spades  ª   
4. Pentacles or Coins comparable to Clubs §

