Insititute of Hermetic Studies
An Institute for Hermetic Studies - IHS
The Institute for Hermetic
Studies is located in Kingston, Pennsylvania. Started in 1998, the
Institute maintains a complete working temple for the instruction of
its members in Ceremonial Magic and the Hermetic Arts and Sciences,
including qabala, plant alchemy, Rosicrucianism, Martinism, and the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. |
Magic Society of the
White Flame
Magic Society of the White
The society is privileged to guard one of the largest
collections of ancient Persian and Arabian occult books and manuscripts
in North America. We work diligently to translate these works into
English and present them as is, or work them into our materials... The
majority of our corpus material is written in Arabic and Persian.
However, our practices go back to the ancient Magi of Chaldea, and that
is truly where the spiritual heart of our corpus lies. Our sources were
written by Arabian occultists, such as al-Buni, Ibn Arabi, and many
others, in the Middle Ages. These Arabic masters make heavy mention of
Hebrew writing, Hermetic lore, and Babylonian and Chaldean teachings |
Society of the Inner Light
S. O.
Servants of the Light School of Occult Science "Servants
of the Light is a fully contacted Mystery School teaching through
correspondence. We are a registered non-profit organisation and have
approximately 2600 students in 23 different countries. Servants of
the Light was founded in 1965 in England by the well-known magician,
psychic and author
W E Butler. He had been a student of
Dion Fortune's and a member of her Fraternity of Inner Light
since its inception in the 1920s. His appointed successor,
Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki, is the present Director of Studies." |
Aurum Solis
Aurum Solis Web
Site "Aurum Solis is best known to the world
through the writings of Osborne Phillips and the late Melita
Denning.... The Order identifies itself as a vehicle for the
'Ogdoadic' Tradition: "This venerable tradition, rooted in the
mystical teachings of Byzantium and of the Near and Middle East, has
for ten centuries run through Western history like a golden thread
in a tapestry: flashing brilliantly when seen in a clear light, but
in other conditions remaining strangely unperceived."
('Introduction to the Combined Edition', The Magical Philosophy,pp.
xvii-xviii)". |
School of the Adepts and Magi
Sacred School of
the Adepts and Magi
The present Sacred School of the Adepts and
Magi is the only Organization of such exceptionally
ancient roots. However, we must point out clearly that we are
describing the history of a tradition of individuals, men and women,
dedicated completely to the most elevated
development of the unknown Forces and occult powers in nature only for
CHSOTA's Home Page
"The Order of the Temple of Astarte Homepage... We are probably the
oldest continually operating magickal lodge in America. We got
started back in 1969, got ourselves incorporated in 1971, and began
performing Canaanite Seasonal Ceremonies on the Solstices and
Equinoxes back in 1974. Our specialty is Solomonic Ritual Magick--
we are the folks who summon spirits to visible appearance in the
dark mirror. We also have a journal, The Seventh Ray, which was
something of an 'underground classic' back in the 70's." |
The Magick of Solomon "The Magick of Solomon
is a 75 minute VHS video documentary written and narrated by
anthropologist and ceremonial magician, Carrol "Poke" Runyon,
Magister of America's oldest continually operating Magical Lodge,
the Ordo Templi Astartes (O.T.A.)." |
Ceremonial Magick"CHSOTA is a Hermetic Order
practicing Ceremonial Magick in the Western Occult Tradition -- but
with an essential difference; we are Romantic Pagans and we employ a
unique Pagan interpretation of the Kabbalah. Our initiations are
based on the 18th Century Rite of Crata Repoa and our magical
pantheon derives from Ancient Canaan." |
O.T.O. U.S. Grand Lodge_ Welcome to
Ordo Templi OrientisThe letters O.T.O. stand for
Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order of Oriental Templars, or Order
of the Temple of the East. O.T.O. is an Outer Thelemic Order which
is dedicated to the high purpose of securing the Liberty of the
Individual and his or her advancement in Light, Wisdom,
Understanding, Knowledge, and Power through Beauty, Courage, and
Wit, on the Foundation of Universal Brotherhood. |
O.T.O. - HeruRaHa Lodge_ Home Page |
Khem Lodge - OTO Italy |
Teth Camp - OTO |
SHEMESH LODGE - East Sussex, U.K. |
Astarte Lodge, Berlin (English) |
Makhashanah Lodge - Hamburg |
Horus Camp OTO - Salt Lake City |
Thelesis Camp - Philadelphia |
Scarlet Woman Camp O.T.O |
Collegium 93 Camp--OTO |
Kantharos Lodge - Auckland, N.Z. |
Portland Thelemic Community Calendar Page |
Bennu Camp - Slovania |
Ordo Templi Orientis in Croatia |
OTO Links |
Ordo Templi Orientis HistoryThe Ordo Templi
Phenomena by Peter-R. Koenig |
OTO and Thelema Resources |
Theodor Reuss' Ordo Templi Orientis rituals © "The
researcher will find here a choice of Reuss' original OTO initiation
rituals (Scottish Rite, Cerneau, Royal Arch, Rose Croix, Pike-de
Ladebat and Memphis-Mizraim derivations) that have been altered by
Aleister Crowley for his English branch." |
intro_ OTO, A.'.A.'., Parzival Foundation"This
web-site is being developed for your viewing pleasure and
edification by Brethren and Sorors of the Society Ordo Templi
Orientis International® holding legitimate lineage from Aleister
Crowley of Ireland, Iona, and all the Britons Karl Johannes Germer
of Germany and Marcelo Ramos Motta of Brasil." |
Modern Rosicrucian groups"This provisional list of
modern Rosicrucian groups has been drawn up by Frater Melchior, and
reflects the judgements and views of his personal research. Both the
author and the alchemy web site would welcome any amendments or
additions to this listing. Further details of some of these
organisations can be found at
the websiteorganised by Frater Melchior and in his forthcoming
book on the subject." |
Lectorium Rosicrucianum"There exists a golden
thread, which leads out of the labyrinth of our broken reality and
towards the Truth. The Lectorium Rosicrucianum, or International
School of the Golden Rosycross, aims to help seekers find and form a
living connection with this shining filament, which is woven of
love, wisdom, knowledge (gnosis) and action." |
Confraternity of the Rose Cross (CR+C) -- Rosicrucians "The
Confraternity of the Rose Cross (CR+C) is a Rosicrucian, fraternal
order and school of mysticism. #32; Its aim and purpose is to offer
a system of study to people who have felt an urge from within to
consciously advance themselves along the path of spiritual
Rosicrucian Fraternity "The Rosy Cross, sublime as
it is, but inaugurates the training toward the Spiritual Hierarchy.
It is the secondary grade of the Secret Schools wherein is taught a
sublime philosophy, the Law of Justice, the principles underlying
Compensation as relating to all activities of life, the necessity of
real Manhood and Womanhood and non-interference with the rights of
others. In its training, the Rosy Cross leads the gross man by
degrees from the purely physical and weak man, to the verity of the
spiritual. It instructs man in the process of transmutation, the
acquisition of health and strength, the out lasting of thoughts of
weakness and age, so that he may, by his own efforts, transmute the
base and inglorious into the pure and fine-the dross into the finest
gold. This process gradually results in understanding the
Illumination." |
The Rosicrucian Fellowship"In the years 1907-08,
after being tested for sincerity of purpose and selfless desire to
aid his fellowmen,
Max Heindel was selected by the Brothers
of the Rose Cross to give out publicly the
Western Wisdom Teachings and thus help prepare humanity for the
coming Age of Universal Brotherhood. By means of intense
self-discipline and devotion to service he earned the status of Lay
Brother (Initiate) in the exalted Rosicrucian Order." |
Rosicrucian Order, AMORC "
Rosicrucian Order, AMORC®. Since 1915, hundreds of thousands of
Rosicrucian students throughout the world have enriched their lives
and learned to access their own inner wisdom through our home study
course in mysticism, metaphysics, and philosophy." |
Ancient Rosae Crucis, ARC |
Rosicrucian Reorganization 1990
Rosicrucian Order of the Grail |
The Rose+Croix Martinist Order® |
A Rosicrucian Journal of Frater D.R.C.
Contains interesting articles,especially those by Frater
D.R.C. recommended reading, and many other features. |
The Living and Modern Message of the Rose+CrossThese
pages offer you excerpts from the book
"The Rose+Cross: A Rosicrucian Insight Into Contemporary Inner
Development" by Olivier Manitara. |
Order of the Grail, Joan of Arc Commandery, Mystic Chivalry
The Order of the Grail, officially known as The
Rosicrucian and Military Order of the Sacred Grail is a
traditional order of Mystic
Chivalry, affiliated with the
International College of Esoteric Studies (I.C.E.S.). |
Rosacruz. Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua. Huiracocha |
Rosicrucian Library "The on-line library of the
Confraternity of the Rose Cross (CR+C) with many of the
importatn Roscirucian documents." |
The Rosicrucian Archive -
Presenting Rosicrucianism |
Rosicrucian Texts"The on-line library of the
Virtual Alchemy site with most of the main Rosicrucian documents." |
Rosicrucian Links
Orden Rosacruz.
lexicondelux |
The Rosicrucian Fellowship LibraryContains a great
deal of on-line books and texts.
A Rosicrucian Home Page - 2000 C.E. at The Four+Corners
Likewise |
Summum Bonum - Official Principal Web Site Master Apis |
Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis"The
aim of the Society is to afford mutual aid and encouragement in
working out the great problems of Life; and in searching out the
secrets of Nature; to facilitate the study of the system of
Philosophy founded upon the Kabalah and the doctrine of Hermes
Trismegitus, which was inculcated by the original Fratres Rosae
Crucis, A.D. 1450; and to investigate the meaning and symbolism of
all that now remains of the wisdom, art and literature of the
ancient world."
Blueros's Hom Page |
Cénacle de la Rose+Croix |
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia
The S.R.I.A. is an independent
Christian society, all its members being Master Masons, who accept
and believe in the fundamental principles of the Trinitarian
Christian faith. |
S.R.I.A. Home
- The Societas
Rosicruciana In America is a non-profit membership corporation
founded in 1909 and incorporated in 1912 by George Winslow
Plummer. This Society is the American organization formed by
properly qualified initiates to propagate the Ancient Wisdom
Teachings in the western world. Our organization is also known as
the Society of Rosicrucians, Inc. and as the Most Holy
Order of the Ruby Rose and Golden Cross (RR et AC), and is part
of the world-wide, age-old Rosicrucian Fraternity. |
Council SRIC
The Societas
Rosicruciana In Canada |
Sodalitas Rosae+Crvcis et Solis Alati
SRC and SSA - In the fall of 2002 E.V., adepts of
various Hermetic orders in the North of Europe joined together in a
quest to both develop and purify (i.e. search for the roots of) the
Western Hermetic Traditon, and bring this into the manifestation of
a new Order. Four different streams, like the four rivers of Eden,
immediately highlighted themselves: (i) The Gıkden Dawn Tradition
(with its roots in various Rosicrucian Orders), (ii) The Martinist
Tradition, (iii) the Gnostic Tradition, (iv) The Inner Alchemy of
the Egyptian Freemasonry, as represented in the highest degrees of
the Memphis-Misraim tradtion. |
Templars and Other Chivalric Orders
Knights of Dawn a Chivalry Order of Modern Times
"We promote the spirit and the moral values of
medieval Knighthood in a modernized way, in order to face
efficiently all the challenges of our civilization. The Website of
the Order of the Knights of Dawn can be now viewed in English
and in French . . . and very soon in Portuguese and Spanish !
We also offer Streaming News about worrying facts that happen in the
facts that prove that we live in an absolutely sad world without the
moral values of Knightly Orders." |
The Order of Knights Templar"The order is open to
all regardless of race, creed, or colour. Membership is also open to
both sexes. The essential prerequisite for membership is a belief in
one's fellow man and a desire to know and to serve. It is obviously
essential that candidates recognise the importance of the inner
spiritual being, the quest for knowledge and spiritual advancement." |
The Knights Templar Preceptory Portcullis"This site
is a repository of varied information on the Knights Templar, a
military order of the early 12th to early 14th centuries, and other
knightly matters of the period. It is maintained for the enjoyment
of medieval history enthusiasts such as myself, and it does not
attempt to be in any way definitive or historically correct further
than the validity of the sources cited in it. On the other hand, it
will contain information from a variety of sources and a
bibliography on mediaeval history." |
A history and Mythos of the Knights TemplarLots
facts and information
Knight Templers Webring
Mysteries "For almost two centuries, they had
autonomy over kings and answered only to the Pope, then as suddenly
as they appeared in history they were persecuted and hunted down as
heretics, enemies of the faith and had to be killed or suppressed at
any cost. What was the big secret that had to be silenced?" |
Templar-Research-Inst.Org"Templar Research
Institute (TRI) is about Nobility of Character. Modeled after the
medieval Order of The Knights Templar, TRI has as its goal the
harmonization of the world's Cultural and Spiritual Traditions
through a rigorous program of unbiased research. And, as with the
medieval Order of the Temple, TRI represents but the outer activity
of a Spiritual Core which animates it."
Scottish Knights Templar: Militi Templi Scotia |
The International Order of the Round Table"The
Order of the Round Table was established in 1908 by G.H.
Whyte. This movement was one of the manifestations of the strong
spiritual undercurrent that inspired the Western world at the
beginning of the twentieth century. From its beginning, the Order of
the Round Table found its inspiration in the legends of the original
Round Table. The modern Knights of the Round Table continue the
"search for the Holy Grail," but in a more symbolic and ethical
sense." |
The Order of Knights of Pythias |
Sovereign Military Order of Malta |
Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America |
Commandery of Antioch |
Templar History Site of the Romanian Club for Templar Studies . |
++The Holy Order of the Temple++. .The Templar . |
Project E - Knights Templar Before I go any
further, I wish to stress that it is not my intention to
concentrate on the mystical aspects of the Templar history, quite
the contrary. I want this page to be a starting point for anyone
interested in any or all aspects of their history. |
DeMolay International Official Home Page |
The Knights Templar |
The Knights Templar Page
BAILLE OF SIDON: A Knights Templar Site |
A History of the Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre |
The Order of Selohaar"The Order of Selohaar is an
initiatory order of chivalry dedicated to the preservation of honor,
nobility, arcane wisdom, and martial excellence in an age where such
traditions and values have generally been forgotten. Our order was
founded in 1979 to provide a creative environment and a climate of
mutual assistance for those who appreciate such ideals, beyond the
constraints of the usual outlets for anachronistic or mystical study
and activity." |
Temple of the Holy Grail T:.H:.G:. is a Priestly or
Hieratic White-Robed Lodge of the Christ under the Master Jesus. It
is an Initiatic Mystery School for those ready to undertake private
advanced esoteric probation and occult initiatic training in order
to anonymously serve human and planetary evolution. |
Templar Fraternity Gladius Dei |
L'Ordre Rénové du Temple |
L'Ordre des Templiers |
Los enclaves templarios ibéricos |
The Ape of Thoth_
A Thelemic Text Daemon"The 'Ape of Thoth' (APE for
short) is a general-purpose text search engine whose database
consists of Thelemic Holy Books and other important verse-based
works by Aleister Crowley. The search methods provide instant access
to works such as Liber AL vel Legis, Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente,
and many other documents." |
The Official Web Site of the Hermetic Alchemical Order of the QBLH
"QBLH is a Hermetic Order of individuals who nurture
and cultivate a world view, through the liberty of living as
Thelemites (see
Liber AL vel Legis or the Book of the
Law). QBLH recognizes that every man and every woman is a veiled
Star. Becoming one with the Higher Self requires an awakening from a
state of sleep; and the unveiling of the Self is facilitated by the
application of Qabalah, Magick, and esoteric psychology. We treasure
the fragments of Western tradition while incorporating useful
Eastern lore; essentially, this translates into an appreciation and
debt to the Oral Tradition and Tantric Way, preserving the Gnosis
and growing with it through practical Work and research. |
The Invisible Basilica_ Contents
The Invisible Basilica_ Rituals |
service to the
A.·.A.·., the
College of Thelema seeks to guide the student to an
understanding of the Law of Thelema. Most especially, this means a
deeper understanding of oneself and of one's True Will. A
combination of instruction techniques is employed, including
seminars, written texts, and individual work. For over twenty years,
the College of Thelema has published the journals
In the Continuum (1973-1996) and
Black Pearl (1997-), maintaining high standards in Thelemic
education." |
Thelemic Order of the Golden DawnThere is now established
in the world a New Order of the Golden Dawn called the
Order of the Thelemic Golden Dawn (T.·.G.·.D.·.). It is a
Magical-Religious-Scientific Order dedicated to the teachings of
Aleister Crowley. Our principal function is to assist in the
initiation of aspirants into the Magical Life of Thelema. We are a
Magical Order of the New Aeon wherein men and women, by the
essential aids of Science and Religion, can participate in the
Great Work of Thelema. |
Holy Order Of RaHoorKhuit We are a Thelemic group
working the lesser and greater mysteries of the Western tradition as
these mysteries have been influenced by the Book of the Law.
Nu Isis Working Group
Welcome to the home page of Nu Isis Working Group in
Leeds, risen from the ashes of Sunwheel Oasis O.T.O. Currently
an informal group, Nu Isis is in the process of seeking official
recognition as a formally chartered encampment of O.T.O. |
The Order of the Thelemic Knights A Thelemic
chivalric Order engaged in charity. |
The Castle of The Silver Star - A site with many interesting
articles on Thelema, Thelemic organizations and individuals, book
reviews etc. from the Newaeon magazine run by G. M Kelly. Most of
them arte highly critical and informative. |
The Gnostic Alchemical Church of Typhon-ChristThe
Gnostic Alchemical Church of Typhon-Christ, with current branches
in France, England, Canada, and the USA seeks to further spread the
Gnosis through the revelations of the English Qaballa derived from
the Holy Books of Thelema, particularly Liber AL vel Legis, the Book
of the Law.
Horus/Maat Lodge.
Cyber lodge working with the "Double Current of Horus and
Maat" |
Ordo A.'.A.'.
Another group claiming to represent the A.'.A.'.; this
site has descriptions of the Outer Order grades with links to the
set text. |
Outer College
Curriculum Resources. And another one; this
site has online copies of and links to some of the material on the
old Student reading list. |
OGDOS Home page "...the Oxford Golden Dawn Occult
Society which takes its name from the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn, the celebrated occult society that flourished at the end of
the last century. The magick we practice is a modern equivalent of
the old Hermetic Order of the GD system." |
LOGDOS"The London lodge of the Oxford Golden Dawn
Occult Society (LOGDOS) is a practical-based non-heirarchical occult
group which is not bound to any specific dogma. It was founded in
the summer of 1996 and meets regularly at sites around London.
Despite its slightly misleading name it is not dominated by the
magick of the Golden Dawn but draws influence from all magickal
paths." |
Other Organizations
Order of the
Grail Grand Commandery "ICES is a non-profit
educational institution devoted to the advancement and Mystical
enlightenment of Man. ICES is a COLLEGE, NOT a "secret Order".
ICES is distributing lectures from the traditional initiatic stream.
Many of these lectures were
Originally in a foreign language and required translation into
English. Many of the lectures were
once the knowledge-papers given in the particular fraternities. Many
of the-fraternities are now
defunct thanks to World War II. Most of the lectures ICES
distributes are no longer available
from their original sources.
" |
Robert Masters Home "Robert E.L. Masters has been,
for more than three decades, Director of Research of The
Foundation for Mind Research, which he co-founded. He is the
author or co-author of 25 books and more than 100 papers and
articles describing his researches into the varieties of human
behavior and potentials." |
(Philosophical Research Society) The Philosophical
Research Society was founded in 1934 by Manly P. Hall (1901-1990),
and has been publishing classical works in the field of comparative
religion and philosophy for over sixty years. The author of more
than two hundred volumes, Manly P. Hall was a philosopher of great
vision and knowledge. He wrote prolifically on a vast array of
subjects, including Western and Eastern religions and mysticism,
classical philosophy, personal psychology, et cetera. Always his
intention was to provide the student and seeker with insights which
could be applied directly to his or her own life and to the benefit
of humanity. |
Servants of the Star and SnakeTHE MAGNUM OPUS of
Way of Life of the Cosmic People To see the delusion of the material
world, its involvements, and its bondage, but also to understand its
relative reality as a matrix for development. The Cosmic People have
only one precept: "Not to cause harm, loss or suffering to any other
living creature beyond that of dire necessity." To develop the
powers and wisdom of the supraconscious mind; to become awake and
aware; to attain freedom on all levels. We came from God and to
divinity we must return. |
Societas MagicaEstablished at Kalamazoo in 1995 by
Richard Kieckhefer, Claire Fanger and Robert Mathiesen, the Societas
Magica was created to further communication and exchange among
scholars interested in the study of magic during the middle ages as
well as in antiquity and the early modern period. Its range of
concerns includes the sociology of magic, magical practices and
theories of magic, as well as magical objects, artifacts and texts. |
Federation of Damanhur - Home PageFounded in 1977,
Damanhur is an internationally renowned center for spiritual
research. Situated in Valchiusella Valley, in the Alpine foothills
of northern Italy, Damanhur is a Federation of Communities and
Regions with over 800 citizens, a social and political structure, a
Constitution, 40 economic activities, 32; its own currency, schools
and a daily paper. |
Ancient Mysteries Applied To Modern Life "Welcome
to the Church of Light! If you have reached this page, then you are
probably new to our organization. If this is the case, then we
suggest that you momentarily set aside any preconceived notions
about science, religion and metaphysics. What you are going to find
here will probably differ markedly from anything you have seen
before. In fact, nowhere on the planet will you find so perfectly
integrated such diverse topics as God, practical occultism,
astrology, magic, the science of soul, religion, alchemy, "universal
welfare", "The Book of Nature".... so hold on to your hat as we
introduce you to the most important material of the dawning Aquarian
Organizations |
Non-Engish Speaking Organizations
Hermetica de la Golden Dawn
- La Orden
Hermética de la Aurora Dorada ( Golden Dawn ) es una Sociedad
Hermética que enseña a sus miembros los principios de la Ciencia
Oculta y de la Magia de Hermes. Argentina |
Se encuentra ante los portales de la Orden Rosacruz,
una Hermandad Esotérica, iniciática, y tradicional, dedicada al
estudio y desarrollo de las facultades más elevadas del Ser Humano. |
Christian Guigue - Masonic Site of Research - Auteur - Site de
Recherche |
L’Ancien et Primitif Rite Oriental de Misraïm et
Memphis, Grand Sanctuaire Adriatique, ou G:.S:.A:., est sans doute
l’Ordre Maçonnique le plus hermétiste existant sur la scène
maçonnique. Vieille obédience dont le siège est basé en Italie,
héritière de l’Ecole de Naples, le G.S.A. rassemble dans ses loges
de Recherches de nombreux hermétistes, responsables d’autres
mouvements et dépositaires de diverses voies théurgiques ou
alchimiques. Peu prosélyte, le G.S.A. a conservé l’approche
aristocratique et hermétiste naturelle à la queste maçonnique. |
Gran Hermandad Rosacruz Mundial
- Fratres Lucis Chartered by the Hermetic Brotherhood
of Light. |
Fraternitas Catena Aurea
Die F.C.A. ist ein freies Kollektiv, in welchem jedes Mitglied
seinen Werdegang weitestgehend selbst festlegt. Es existiert eine
HOHE INSTANZ (Der Rat der Sieben), der die Mitglieder der OBEREN
TRIADE (Imperator, Königin, Meister des Tempels) sowie vier
verwaltende Leiter (2 Archivare, Kanzler, Kämmerer) angehören. Diese
7 Personen bestimmen den Weg, den die F.C.A. als Organisation geht.
Unterhalb dieses Rates existieren keinerlei Hierarchien, Im Kampf
sind alle Mitglieder und Krieger gleichberechtigte Individuen.
Niemand wird gezwungen, an den Events und Feldzügen der F.C.A.
teilzunehmen, alle Tätigkeiten der Legion111 sind freiwilliger
Natur. |