Online Esoteric Library |
Note: The below books are nearly all PDF files requiring the use of Acrobat Reader. Acrobat Reader is a free product that can be downloaded by clicking the banner below. If you wish to download the files for offline reading click the diskette icon on left of the top bar of the open pdf.Below you will find a number of books that have been collected over the Internet and hosted at our website. . Materials with on-going copyrights in the collection have not been published. These copies were not scanned by us and we thank those who have performed the difficult task, If there are any infringement of copyrights below the material will be removed upon demand. |
Eastern Religion and Philosophy
The Devil's Dictionary (PDF - 368 KB) by Ambrose Bierce The Doors of Perception (PDF - 264 KB) by Aldous Huxley Culpeper's_Herbal_-_The_English_Physitian (PDF - 1022 KB)
Psychology The_Interpretation_of_Dreams (PDF - 1022 KB) by Sigmund Freud
Seven_Sermons_to_the_Dead (PDF - 1022 KB) by C.G. Jung
On_Life_After_Death. (PDF - 1022 KB) by C.G. Jung
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