Online Esoteric Library |
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Eastern Religion and Philosophy
Occult / Esoteric Texts
A Manual Of Occultism (PDF - 965 KB) by Sephariel Kybalion (PDF - 264 KB) by The Three Initiates
The_Path_of_Knowledge (PDF - 3869 KB) by the Shrine of Wisdom
Astral Projection:
Out of Body Experiences: How to Have Them And What to Expect (PDF - 458 KB) by Robert Peterson
Occult Fiction:
Zanoni - (PDF 886 KB) Lord E. G. Bulwer-Lytton Nightmare Tales (PDF - 230 KB) by H.P. Blavatsky Brother of the Third Degree (PDF- 490 KB) by Will L. Garver, 1894 The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (PDF - 551 KB) by - H.P. Lovecraft ![]()
The Secrets of Dr. Taverner (PDF -720 KB) by Dion Fortune In_The_Land_of_the_Living_Dead (PDF -14,134 KB) by Prentiss Tucker
Within_The_Temple Of Isis (PDF 8,943 KB) by Belle M. Wagner
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