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Astrology, Geomancy, Divination
Astrology, Geomancy, Divination
Eastern Religion and Philosophy
Concerning_The_More_Certain_Fundamentals_of_Astrology (PDF 412 KB) by Johannes Kepler An_Astrological_Judgement_Touching_Theft (PDF 478 KB) By Anthony Griffin Anima_Astrologiae (PDF 438 KB) By Guido Bonatus Choice_Aphorisms (PDF KB) by William Lilly The_Doctrine_of_Horary_Questions (PDF 594 KB) by John Gadbury Electional_Astrology (PDF 698 KB) by Vivian by Robson Primary_Directions_in_Astrology (PDF KB) by Sepharial Astrology_and_Marriage (PDF 244 KB) by Sepharial . Geomancy
On Astrological Geomancy (PDF) by Gerard Cremonensis
Of Geomancy (PDF) by Cornelius Agrippa
Frater Achad:
Crystal Vision (PDF 270 KB)
Paschal Beverly Randolph
Seership: Guide to Soul Sight & The Magic Mirror and How to Use It (/PDF -259 KB)
Max Heindel:
Message of the Stars (PDF - 891 KB) Simplified Scientific Astrology (PDF b- 1231 KB)
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