BINAH.Third Knowledge Lecture:
(Zelator Degree)
THE SOUL is divided by the Qabalists into three Principal Parts:
1. NESCHAMAH The Highest Part, answering to the Three Supernals.
2. RUACH The Middle Part, answering to the six Sephiroth from CHESED to YESOD, inclusive.
5. NEPHESCH The lowest, answering to MALKUTH.
NESCHAMAH answers to the higher aspirations of the Soul.
RUACH answers to the mind and reasoning powers.
NEPHESCH answers to the animal instincts.
CHIAH answers to CHOKMAH, YECHIDAH TO KETHER, while NESCHAMAH itself is referred to
The Sepher Yetzirah divides the Hebrew Letters into
three Classes of Three, Seven, and Twelve.
Three Mothers
Seven Double Letters ,
Twelve Single Letters ,
The Holy Place embraces the symbolism of the 22 Letters.
The Table of Shew-Bread, the Single Letters.
The Altar of Incense the Three Mothers.
Astral Spirits are those belonging to the Astral Plane. Such are false and illusionary forms, shells of the dead, and Ghosts and Phantoms.
Elemental Spirits are those belonging to the nature of the Elements; some are good and some are evil.
An Angel is a pure and high Spirit of unmixed good in office and operation.
In the Tarot, the ten small cards of each suit refer to the Sephiroth. The four suits refer to the Letters of Tetragrammation thus:
Sceptres or Wands to Yod
Cups Heh
Swords Vau
Pentacles Heh (final)
The Four Suits also refer to the Four Worlds of the Qabalists thus:
Sceptres to Atziluth
Cups Briah
Swords Yetzirah
Pentacles Assiah
The Honours of the Tarot Pack are,
as it were, the Vice-gerants of the Great Name, in the Qabalistic World
to which each suit is referred. They also symbolise Father, Mother, Son,
Daughter; Birth, Life, Death,
THE FLYFOT CROSS The 17 Squares out of a square of lesser squares, refer to the Sun in the twelve Signs of the Zodiac and the Four Elements: |
This form of the Caduceus of Hermes is that of the Three Mother Letters placed on one another thus: |
The Caduceus has another meaning on the Tree of Life. The upper part wings touch Chokmah and Binah: These are the Three Supernals. |
The Seven lower Sephiroth are embraced by the twin Serpents whose heads rest upon Chesed and Geburah. |
The meaning of Luna on the Tree of Life is thus:
In its increase it embraces the side of Mercy; in its decrease the side of Severity, and at the full, it reflects the Sun of Tiphareth.
Let the Theoricus practise the Moon Breath, while saying mentally the word AUM: (Moon breath is through the left nostril only.)
Let him meditate upon the waxing and waning crescents, while visualising a silver crescent upon an indigo background.
Let him now call before his mind
the Signs of the Airy Triplicity
and enclosed in these, let him
meditate upon the numbers nine and five and therewith the forms of the Pentagram
and Pentangle.
Let him now rise in imagination
above the mineral world into the world of trees and flowers and identify
himself in love and sympathy with the Powers of the Elements behind these.
Let him realise the mental world where mind rules over matter, and let him meditate upon the ideas of appearance and reality.